Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pisikologi Trading

Trading Psychology - Emotions and Day Trading

If you can hear your heart beating every time you make a trade, then you need to know about the psychological aspects of day trading. These articles discuss how emotions such as fear and greed can have a negative impact on your trading, and will help you overcome these natural emotions and become a better day trader.

The Holy Grail of Trading

The holy grail of trading is revealed, including a detailed description of the holy grail of trading, and suggestions for using the holy grail of trading in your trading.

Fear and Greed

Discussion of the emotions of fear and greed, and how they affect traders and day trading.

Increasing Targets

Discussion of target orders, with an explanation of why a trader would increase their target order, but why increasing your target would be a mistake.

Patience and Discipline

Professional traders either have patience and discipline in their personalities, or they learn how to be patient and disciplined as part of their trading education. Find out why you need to be patient and disciplined, and how you can become patient and disciplined instantly.

Patience, Decisiveness, and Calmness

Discussion of the personality traits of patience, decisiveness, and calmness, and how they are necessary for successful day trading.

Scalping and Patience

Discussion of one of the psychological aspects of scalping, specifically why scalping requires just as much patience as day, swing, or even position trading.

Scalping and Risk

Discussion of one of the psychological aspects of scalping, specifically why scalping requires just as much risk as day, swing, or even position trading.

Recognizing and Overcoming Stubbornness

Discussion of why traders with stubborn personalities need to overcome their stubbornness in order to be profitable. Explains the reason why being stubborn is counter productive to successful day trading.

Sentimental Trading

Discussion of the psychology of sentimental trading, and how getting attached to your trades will have a negative impact on your profit and loss.

Stress and Trading

Discussion of how stress affects your trading, and an explanation of why trading under stress will turn a profitable trader into a losing trader.

Trading and Intuition

Discussion of how intuition applies to trading, and whether traders should follow their instincts or not.

Reacting to an Unprofitable Trade

Discussion of the right and wrong ways to react to an unprofitable trade.

Why Markets Fall Quicker Than They Rise

Discussion of why markets tend to fall quicker than they rise, with an explanation of how the emotions of fear and greed cause this to happen.

How Percentages Describe Financial Market Price Movement

Discussion of how percentages describe financial market prices movement, and why a fifty percent decrease in value is the same as a one hundred percent increase in value.

Explanation of How Percentages Describe Financial Market Price Movement

Explanation of how percentages describe financial market prices movement, and why a fifty percent decrease in the value of a financial market is the same as a one hundred percent increase in the value of the same financial market.

Moving from Simulation Trading to Live Trading

Discussion of the emotions that occur when new traders move from simulation trading to live trading, and the mistakes that these emotions can cause.


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